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Famke Janssen Net Tsim Nyog: Wiki, Sib Yuav, Tsev Neeg, Kab tshoob, Nyiaj hli, Cov kwv tij
Famke Janssen Net Tsim Nyog: Wiki, Sib Yuav, Tsev Neeg, Kab tshoob, Nyiaj hli, Cov kwv tij

Video: Famke Janssen Net Tsim Nyog: Wiki, Sib Yuav, Tsev Neeg, Kab tshoob, Nyiaj hli, Cov kwv tij

Video: Famke Janssen Net Tsim Nyog: Wiki, Sib Yuav, Tsev Neeg, Kab tshoob, Nyiaj hli, Cov kwv tij
Video: Famke Janssen Best Bits. X-Men Jean Grey Dark Phoenix 2024, Plaub Hlis Ntuj

Famke Beumer Janssen net muaj nqis yog $15 lab

Famke Beumer Janssen thaum yau dab neeg ntxiv Untold Biography Tseeb

Famke Beumer Janssen yog Amstelveen, Netherlands-yug Dutch actress, zam qauv, screenwriter thiab tus thawj coj. Yug rau 5 Kaum Ib Hlis 1964, Famke yog kab tias paub zoo tshaj plaws rau nws lub luag haujlwm ua Lenore Mills hauv "Tsev" trilogy. Ib tus neeg ua yeeb yam tseem ceeb tshaj plaws hauv Asmeskas TV, Famke tau ua haujlwm hauv nws txoj haujlwm txij li xyoo 1992.

Ib tug ua yeeb yam zoo thiab muaj npe nrov thiab tus thawj coj, ib tus yuav xav paub tias Famke Janssen nplua nuj npaum li cas tam sim no? Raws li ntawm nruab nrab-2016, Famke suav nws cov nuj nqis ntawm tus nqi ntawm $ 15 lab raws li kwv yees los ntawm cov ntaub ntawv pov thawj. Nws muaj peev xwm ua kom nws cov nyiaj txiag nplua nuj vim nws txoj kev koom tes ntev xyoo hauv kev lag luam yeeb yaj kiab ntawm Asmeskas.

Famke Janssen Net Tsim Nyog $15 lab

Amstelveen-saib Famke tau kawm txog kev lag luam hauv University of Amsterdam ua ntej tso tawm thiab tso npe kawm hauv Columbia University, qhov chaw nws kawm muaj tswv yim sau ntawv thiab ntawv nyeem. Raws li nws kawm tiav hauv tsev kawm ntawv hauv 1992 nrog Bachelors of Arts degree, nws pib nws txoj haujlwm hauv kev lag luam yeeb yaj kiab. Famken twb tau tsim los ua tus qauv zam thaum nws tau kos npe nrog Elite Model Management hauv 1986, thiab tau ua haujlwm rau ntau lub npe xws li Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent thiab Victoria's Secret ntawm lwm tus. Famke tau tshwm sim hauv Hollywood nrog lub luag haujlwm me me hauv xyoo 1992 zaj yeeb yaj kiab "Txiv Plig thiab Cov Tub", txawm li cas los xij, tsis ntev nws tau lees paub hauv kev lag luam vim nws tau muaj sijhawm los ua haujlwm nrog Sean Bean thiab Pierce Brosnan hauv James Bond movie "GoldenEye" raws li Xenia. Onatopp.

Janssen tau muaj npe nrov hauv xyoo 2000 vim nws tau txais lub sijhawm los ua lub luag haujlwm ntawm Dr. Jean Grey, tus superhero hauv Marvel Studios movie "X-Men". Nws tau tshwm sim hauv ob qhov yeeb yaj kiab "X-txiv neej" ntxiv, hauv txhua qhov ntawm nws tau koom nrog cov yeeb yam nto moo Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry thiab Ian McKellen ntawm lwm tus. Nrog rau cov yeeb yam "X-Men", Famke kuj tau lees paub rau nws lub luag haujlwm hauv cov yeeb yaj kiab "Tsev". Nws ua lub luag haujlwm ntawm Lenore Mills nrog Liam Neeson hauv xyoo 2008 movie, thiab nws ob zaj yeeb yaj kiab. Tsis ntev los no, nws tseem ceeb hauv TV hauv TV series "The Blacklist: Redemption" raws li Susan Hargrave. Txhua tus tau pab txhawb rau nws cov nuj nqis.

Hauv nws txoj haujlwm, Famke tau txais txiaj ntsig ntau lub sijhawm nrog cov khoom plig muaj koob npe, suav nrog ib qho khoom plig Saturn rau Tus Ua Yeeb Yam Zoo Tshaj Plaws rau nws lub luag haujlwm hauv "X-Men: The Last Stand". Xyoo 1995, nws tau raug xaiv tsa rau thiab MTV Movie Award rau Kev Sib Tw Zoo Tshaj Plaws uas nws tau koom nrog Pierce Brosnian rau zaj yeeb yaj kiab "Goldeneye".

Ntxiv nrog rau kev ua yeeb yam, Famke kuj tseem paub tias yog tus thawj coj, tus tsim khoom thiab tus kws sau ntawv rau xyoo 2011 zaj yeeb yaj kiab "Bringing Up Bobby", lwm qhov ntxiv rau nws thiab tsim nyog.

Hais txog nws tus kheej lub neej, tus neeg ua yeeb yam 51 xyoo tam sim no nyob hauv kev sib nrauj; yav dhau los nws tau sib yuav rau tus thawj coj Kip Williams los ntawm 1995 txog 2000. Nws kuj yog ib tus neeg tawm tsam uas hais txog kev paub txog tsiaj txoj cai. Tsis tas li ntawd, nws tau raug xaiv los ua Tus Thawj Coj Zoo rau Kev Ncaj Ncees los ntawm United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime hauv 2008. Raws li tam sim no, Famke nyiam nws txoj haujlwm ua ib tus neeg ua yeeb yam zoo tshaj plaws hauv Asmeskas thaum nws tam sim no muaj nuj nqis ntawm $ 15 lab caters rau nws. kev xav tau txhua hnub.

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