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Robert Trujillo Net Tsim Nyog: Wiki, Sib Yuav, Tsev Neeg, Kab tshoob, Nyiaj hli, kwv tij
Robert Trujillo Net Tsim Nyog: Wiki, Sib Yuav, Tsev Neeg, Kab tshoob, Nyiaj hli, kwv tij

Video: Robert Trujillo Net Tsim Nyog: Wiki, Sib Yuav, Tsev Neeg, Kab tshoob, Nyiaj hli, kwv tij

Video: Robert Trujillo Net Tsim Nyog: Wiki, Sib Yuav, Tsev Neeg, Kab tshoob, Nyiaj hli, kwv tij
Video: Robert Trujillo and his Warwick Custom Shop Rusty 2024, Plaub Hlis Ntuj

Robert Trujillo net muaj nqis yog $15 lab

Robert Trujillo thaum yau dab neeg ntxiv Untold Biography Tseeb

Robert Agustin Trujillo yug thaum Lub Kaum Hli 23, 1964 hauv Santa Monica, California Tebchaws Asmeskas, ntawm haiv neeg Mev thiab Mev. Nws yog ib tug guitarist, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog bassist, ntxiv rau ib tug neeg hu nkauj, thiab tej zaum zoo tshaj plaws paub tias yog ib tug tswv cuab ntawm cov hlau hnyav pab pawg Metallica uas nws koom nyob rau hauv 2003.

Yog li tsuas yog Robert Trujillo nplua nuj npaum li cas? Cov ntaub ntawv pov thawj qhia tau hais tias Robert muaj qhov kwv yees kwv yees muaj nqis tshaj $ 15 lab nyiaj daus las, khaws cia thaum nws ua haujlwm hauv kev lag luam suab paj nruag tam sim no mus txog rau xyoo thib tsib. Nws qhov chaw hauv pawg xws li Suicidal Tendencies, Infectious Grooves thiab Black Label Society. Nws kuj tau ua haujlwm nrog cov kws ntaus suab paj nruag thawj zaug xws li Ozzy Osbourne, "Alice in Chains" thiab Jerry Cantrell.

Robert Trujillo Net Tsim Nyog $15 lab daus las

Robert loj hlob hauv Culver City, thiab qhia los ntawm nws niam rau ntau hom suab paj nruag txij thaum yau. Nws tau txais kev tshoov siab los ntawm cov nkauj ntawm Led Zeppelin, Dub Sabbath thiab Rush uas nws tau ua hauv cov tog neeg hauv zos. Trujillo tau qhib nws tus account tsim nyog raws li tus kws tshaj lij bassist hauv xyoo 1989, thaum nws nkag mus rau pab pawg Suicidal Tendencies, tib lub sijhawm kuj tau ua si hauv pab pawg kis kab mob Grooves. Nws tau tso xya lub studio albums nrog Suicidal Tendencies, thiab yim nrog Infectious Grooves. Txawm li cas los xij, xyoo 1990 nws tau ncaim ob leeg thiab koom nrog Ozzy Osbourne pawg. Lub sijhawm no nws tau koom nrog pawg, Robert thiab Clive 'Benji' Webbe tsim pawg hlau hnyav hu ua Mass Mental. Lub hauv paus ntawm lub band tsim tus hu nkauj thiab ntaus nruas Brooks Wackerman, tus thawj coj hu nkauj Benji Webbe thiab ob tug tswv cuab uas ntaus ntses bass thaj tsam thiab guitar yog Armand Sabal-Lecco thiab Robert Trujillo. Nyob rau hauv 1999 pawg tau tso tawm ib lub studio album hu ua 'Yuav Sau Zaj Nkauj' thiab ib lub suab nkauj nyob 'Live In Tokyo'. Txawm li cas los xij, cov albums tsis ua tiav hauv kev kos duab thiab pab pawg sib cais. Ua ke nrog Ozzy Osbourne thiab pab pawg, nws tau tso tawm plaub lub studio albums; tag nrho cov kev ua ub no tau pab Robert lub txiaj ntsig.

Xyoo 2003 Robert tau koom nrog pawg hlau hnyav Metallica, koom nrog Shit Hits lub Sheds ncig saib, thiab tom qab kev ncig xyuas zoo nws tau txais $ 1 lab ntxiv rau Metallica, uas tsis muaj qhov tsis ntseeg tau nce Trujillo cov nuj nqis ntau heev. Nws tsis yog tsuas yog cov nyiaj uas tseem ceeb, xws li ntxiv rau qhov no, raws li ib pab pawg neeg Robert raug coj mus rau hauv Pob Zeb thiab Roll Hall of Fame hauv 2009. Txij li xyoo 2003, kaum peb lub studio albums raug tso tawm, uas Robert tau ua si ua tswv cuab. ntawm Metallica pawg. Nyob rau hauv 2013, ib zaj duab xis hais kwv txhiaj 'Metallica Los Ntawm Qhov Tsis Muaj' tau tso tawm uas tau nrov heev ntawm cov neeg nyiam hlau hnyav thiab nce Robert Trujillo thiab lwm tus tswv cuab ntawm pawg pab pawg.

Ntxiv nrog rau kev ua suab paj nruag, Robert tau tshwm sim hauv cov yeeb yaj kiab thiab yeeb yaj kiab, ntxiv rau nws cov nuj nqis, thiab. Nws muaj lub luag haujlwm hauv TV series 'CHiPs' tsim los ntawm Rick Rosner, comedy films 'House Calls' qhia los ntawm Howard Zieff thiab 'Encino Man' coj los ntawm Less Mayfield, thiab cov yeeb yaj kiab TV 'Scout's Honour' coj los ntawm Henry Levin.

Hauv nws tus kheej lub neej, Robert Trujillo muaj ib tug poj niam, Chloé uas nws tau sib yuav tom qab kev sib raug zoo mus ntev. Nkawd muaj ib tug ntxhais thiab ib tug tub.

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