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Steve Stoute Net Tsim Nyog: Wiki, Sib Yuav, Tsev Neeg, Kab tshoob, Nyiaj hli, kwv tij
Steve Stoute Net Tsim Nyog: Wiki, Sib Yuav, Tsev Neeg, Kab tshoob, Nyiaj hli, kwv tij

Video: Steve Stoute Net Tsim Nyog: Wiki, Sib Yuav, Tsev Neeg, Kab tshoob, Nyiaj hli, kwv tij

Video: Steve Stoute Net Tsim Nyog: Wiki, Sib Yuav, Tsev Neeg, Kab tshoob, Nyiaj hli, kwv tij
Video: Xov xwm tshiab 11/4/2022 Muab nyab nyiaj phij cuam mu them nuj nqis tshoob, kab mob sib kis 2024, Plaub Hlis Ntuj

Steve Stoute net muaj nqis yog $55 lab

Steve Stoute thaum yau dab neeg ntxiv Untold Biography Tseeb: Tsev Neeg lub neej

Steve Stoute yug rau 15 Kaum Ib Hlis 1971 hauv Queens, New York City, Tebchaws Asmeskas. Steve yog tej zaum lub npe hu ua tus tsim thiab CEO ntawm lub lag luam kev loj hlob thiab kev lag luam tuam txhab txhais lus, tab sis kuj yog ib qho ntawm cov neeg tsim khoom nrov tshaj plaws hauv Asmeskas.

Yog li ntawd tsuas yog Steve Stoute nplua nuj npaum li cas? Steve muaj cov nuj nqis kwv yees los ntawm cov peev txheej ntawm $ 55 lab, uas nws muaj peev xwm tau txais txiaj ntsig ntau thaum ua haujlwm ua lag luam thiab tus kws tshaj lij tshaj tawm, thiab los ntawm kev sau ntawv.

Steve Stoute Net Tsim Nyog $55 lab

Raws li tus tsim cov ntaub ntawv, Steve Stoute paub los ntawm cov ntawv sau xws li Sony Music Entertainment thiab Interscope Records. Thaum koom nrog tom kawg, Steve tau muaj sijhawm los ua haujlwm nrog cov npe nrov hauv kev lag luam suab paj nruag xws li U2 thiab Limp Bizkit. Interscope Cov Ntaub Ntawv kuj tau pab txhawb rau kev tsim tawm ntawm Eminem's debut album, yog li nws yuav tsum tsis txhob xav tsis thoob tias Steve Stoute cov txiaj ntsig tau siab heev.

Raws li tus thawj coj tshaj tawm, Steve Stoute kuj tau muaj txoj haujlwm zoo uas tau pab txhawb nqa tag nrho nws cov nuj nqis. Dab tsi yog qhov nthuav yog tias Steve Stoute tau sau npe tias yog tus txiv neej uas pib lub kiv puag ncig hauv kev sib txuas lus ntawm cov neeg siv khoom thiab cov kws ntaus nkauj nto moo.

Steve Stoute cov nuj nqis tau nce ntxiv los ntawm kev ua haujlwm ua lag luam, ib yam nkaus. Qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws, lub tuam txhab hu ua Kev Txhais Lus tau tsim los ntawm Steve, uas paub zoo tshaj plaws rau kev ua haujlwm hauv kev koom tes nrog cov tuam txhab thoob ntiaj teb xws li Hewlett-Packard, McDonalds, thiab State Farm. Kev txhais lus kuj tseem muaj sijhawm ua haujlwm nrog Beyonce thiab Justin Timberlake, ob tus kws ntaus nkauj nto moo.

Rau kev ua tiav hauv kev lag luam, Steve Stoutr lub npe tau nkag mus rau hauv Advertising Hall of Achievement los ntawm American Advertising Federation. Ib qho piv txwv ntxiv ntawm Steve txoj kev lag luam yog tias xyoo 2005 Stoute tau los ua CEO ntawm Carol's Daughter, lub tuam txhab tsim cov khoom siv plaub hau thiab lub cev. Nws cov tub ua lag luam nto moo yog cov hnub qub xws li Jada Pinkett Smith, Will Smith, Jay-Z, thiab Mary J. Blige.

Steve Stoute yog tus sau, ib yam nkaus. Nws thawj phau ntawv luam tawm yog The Tanning of America: How Hip-Hop Created a Culture That Rewrote the Rules of the New Economy, tso tawm xyoo 2011. Nyob rau hauv phau ntawv, Steve tau hais txog qhov teeb meem ntawm kev coj noj coj ua hauv nroog hais txog kev lag luam suab paj nruag, kev paj huam. thiab hom kev lag luam. Phau ntawv tau tshaj tawm dua xyoo 2014, tab sis lub sijhawm no yog phau ntawv suab uas nws tus neeg piav qhia yog Kerry Washington.

Steve Stoute kuj tseem xav tau los ua tus hais lus ntawm ntau qhov xwm txheej nto moo, piv txwv li, South los ntawm Southwest, AAF's ADMERICA, Sundance Film Festival, thiab Fast Company Innovation Uncensored. Xws li kev ua lag luam ua tau zoo hauv ntau qhov chaw ntawm kev lom zem kev lag luam purports nce rau Steve Stoute cov nuj nqis.

Dab tsi yog qhov tseem ceeb thiab tseem ceeb yog tias Steve Stoute yog tus tsim ntawm Foundation for the Advancement of Women Now (FFAWN), nrog rau Mary J. Blige. Lawv lub hom phiaj yog txhawb cov poj niam mus rau cov haujlwm siab dua hauv cov tsev kawm ntawv qib siab. Steve kuj tseem txhawb nqa kev nrhiav neeg ua haujlwm tsawg hauv ntau thaj chaw ntawm tsoomfwv, thiab cov tuam txhab ntiav.

Steve Stoute khaws nws tus kheej lub neej ntiag tug heev, thiab txawm tias nws tau sib yuav, me ntsis paub txog nws tsev neeg lub neej.

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