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Stephen Collins Net Tsim Nyog: Wiki, Sib Yuav, Tsev Neeg, Kab tshoob, Nyiaj hli, kwv tij
Stephen Collins Net Tsim Nyog: Wiki, Sib Yuav, Tsev Neeg, Kab tshoob, Nyiaj hli, kwv tij

Video: Stephen Collins Net Tsim Nyog: Wiki, Sib Yuav, Tsev Neeg, Kab tshoob, Nyiaj hli, kwv tij

Video: Stephen Collins Net Tsim Nyog: Wiki, Sib Yuav, Tsev Neeg, Kab tshoob, Nyiaj hli, kwv tij
Video: XOV XWM TSHIAB 11/04/2022: Meskas Ceeb Toom Russia Yuav Tua Loj Rau Sab Hnub Tuaj Ukraine 2024, Plaub Hlis Ntuj

Stephen Collins tus nqi yog $ 14 lab

Stephen Collins thaum yau dab neeg ntxiv Untold Biography Tseeb

Stephen Weaver Collins yug hauv 1stLub Kaum Hli 1947, hauv Des Moines, Iowa Tebchaws Asmeskas. Nws yog ib tug neeg ua yeeb yam tej zaum paub zoo tshaj plaws rau nws lub luag haujlwm ntawm Eric Camden hauv tsev neeg ua yeeb yam TV series 7thNtuj Ceeb Tsheej” (1996–2007). Stephen Collins tau ntxiv rau nws cov nuj nqis raws li tus thawj coj, kws sau ntawv thiab tshuab raj, ib yam nkaus. Collins tau ua haujlwm hauv kev lag luam lom ze txij li xyoo 1974.

Stephen Collins 'ntau npaum li cas? Tshaj tawm, nws qhov kev nplua nuj nyob ntawm $ 14 lab, tau sau los ntawm nws txoj haujlwm hauv kev lag luam lom ze tshaj li 40 xyoo.

Stephen Collins Net Tsim Nyog $14 lab

Pib nrog, Stephen nrog nws ob tug kwv tij loj hlob hauv Hastings-on-Hudson, New York. Nws yog ib tug kawm tiav los ntawm Amherst College, qhov uas nws kuj ntaus suab paj nruag thiab bass guitar nyob rau hauv ntau yam pob zeb thiab yob bands. Raws li ib tug actor nws debuted nyob rau hauv tsev neeg ua yeeb yam series "The Waltons" (1975) tsim los ntawm Earl Hamner Jr. Txij thaum ntawd los tus actor tau tsim yuav luag 50 lub cim tsaws hauv TV productions. Ntawm nws lub luag haujlwm tseem ceeb tshaj plaws yog cov hauv koob "7thNtuj Ceeb Tsheej” (1996–2007) tsim los ntawm Brenda Hampton; tus thawj coj hauv kev ua yeeb yam hauv TV "Tales of the Gold Monkey" (1982) tsim los ntawm Donald P. Bellisario; tus thawj coj nyob rau hauv lub miniseries "The Ob Mrs. Grenvilles" (1987) qhia los ntawm John Erman uas Collins tau raug xaiv tsa rau Emmy Award; Lub luag hauj lwm ntawm John Fitzgerald Kennedy tsaws hauv cov yeeb yam "Ib tug Poj Niam Named Jackie" (1991) thiab ntau lwm lub luag haujlwm uas ntxiv nyiaj txiag rau tag nrho qhov loj ntawm Stephen Collins cov nuj nqis. Ib qho ntawm nws cov haujlwm tshiab tshaj plaws hauv TV yog lub luag haujlwm hauv kev tshawb fawb keeb kwm yav dhau los "Revolution" (2014) tsim los ntawm Eric Kripke.

Ntxiv rau qhov ntxiv, Collins tau tsaws ntau lub luag haujlwm hauv cov yeeb yaj kiab tshwj xeeb. Nws tau raug xaiv los ua lub hnub qub hauv "Star Trek: Lub Motion Picture" (1979) qhia los ntawm Robert Wise. Stephen Collins kuj tau tsim lub luag haujlwm hauv cov yeeb yaj kiab zoo li cov yeeb yaj kiab "Brewster's Millions" (1985) qhia los ntawm Walter Hill, "The First Wives Club" (1996) qhia los ntawm Hugh Wilson, "Drive Me Crazy" (1999) qhia los ntawm John Schultz thiab "Vim Kuv Hais Li ntawd" (2007) qhia los ntawm Michael Lehmann. Nws kuj tau los ua tus thawj coj hauv zaj duab xis "Choke Canyon" (1986). Collins tau tshwm sim hauv zaj duab xis "Blood Diamond" (2006) nrog Leonardo DiCaprio. Qhov tseeb, xinesmas yog ib qho tseem ceeb heev ntawm Stephen Collins cov nuj nqis.

Tsis tas li ntawd, Stephen Collins tau ntxiv cov nyiaj tau los rau nws cov nuj nqis los ntawm kev tshwm sim hauv Broadway thiab off- Broadway plays suav nrog "Tsis Muaj Kev Sib Deev Thov Peb yog Neeg Askiv", "Moonchildren", "Spamalot", "The Ritz", "Tso Nws Ua Ke" thiab lwm tus.

Stephen tau paub tias yog ib tus kws sau ntawv zoo heev, thiab tau luam tawm ob zaj dab neeg ua tiav, "Qhov Muag Tiv Thaiv" (1994) thiab "Ob Tug Tawm" (1998). Raws li ib tug kws ntaus suab paj nruag nws paub txog kev kaw ob lub studio albums: "Stephen Collins" (2003) thiab "The Hits of Rick Nelson" (2005).

Txawm hais tias txhua qhov tseeb, nws paub tias yuav tsim txom peb tus poj niam hluas nkauj, tsuav yog txhua yam tshem tawm 40 xyoo tom qab, Collins tsis raug rau txim.

Thaum kawg, hauv lub neej ntiag tug ntawm Stephen Collins, nws tau sib yuav ob zaug. Nws tau sib yuav Marjorie Weinman nyob rau hauv 1970, tab sis lawv sib nrauj nyob rau hauv 1978. Nyob rau hauv 1985, nws tau sib yuav tus actress Faye Grant; lawv nyob ua ke tau nees nkaum xyoo ua ntej sib nrauj nyob rau hauv 2015, thiab muaj ib tug ntxhais.

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