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Artimus Pyle Net Tsim Nyog: Wiki, Sib Yuav, Tsev Neeg, Kab tshoob, Nyiaj hli, Cov kwv tij
Artimus Pyle Net Tsim Nyog: Wiki, Sib Yuav, Tsev Neeg, Kab tshoob, Nyiaj hli, Cov kwv tij

Video: Artimus Pyle Net Tsim Nyog: Wiki, Sib Yuav, Tsev Neeg, Kab tshoob, Nyiaj hli, Cov kwv tij

Video: Artimus Pyle Net Tsim Nyog: Wiki, Sib Yuav, Tsev Neeg, Kab tshoob, Nyiaj hli, Cov kwv tij
Video: Artimus Pyle of Lynyrd Skynyrd - In-Depth Interview (01.26.15) 2024, Plaub Hlis Ntuj

Thomas Delmar Pyle net muaj nqis yog $3 lab

Thomas Delmar Pyle thaum yau Story ntxiv Untold Biography Tseeb

Thomas Delmer Pyle yug rau 15 Lub Xya hli ntuj 1948, nyob rau hauv Louisville, Kentucky teb chaws USA, thiab yog ib tug kws ntaus suab paj nruag, paub zoo tshaj yog tus ntaus nruas ntawm pab pawg Lynyrd Skynyrd los ntawm 1974 txog 1977; nws kuj tau rov qab los rau hauv pab pawg thiab ua si los ntawm 1987 txog 1991. Txhua yam ntawm nws kev siv zog tau pab muab nws cov txiaj ntsig zoo rau qhov chaw niaj hnub no.

Artimus Pyle nplua nuj npaum li cas? Raws li lig-2016, cov peev txheej kwv yees tus nqi ntawm $ 3 lab, feem ntau khwv tau los ntawm kev ua haujlwm zoo hauv suab paj nruag. Ua tsaug rau nws txoj kev khiav nrog Lynyrd Skynyrd, nws tau raug coj mus rau hauv Pob Zeb 'n' Roll Hall of Fame hauv 2006. Nws tau mus ncig thoob ntiaj teb tsis tu ncua, thiab tag nrho nws cov kev ua tiav tau ua kom txoj haujlwm ntawm kev nplua nuj.

Artimus Pyle Net Tsim Nyog $3 lab

Xyoo 1967, Artimus tau koom nrog US Marine Corps, thiab yuav nyob ntawd tau plaub xyoos, dhau los ua tub ceev xwm hauv aviation. Xyoo 1974, nws yuav koom nrog Lynyrd Skynyrd thiab peb xyoos tom qab ntawd tau koom nrog hauv 1977 lub dav hlau sib tsoo uas tua Steve Gaines, Cassie Gaines, thiab Ronnie Van Zant, muaj sia nyob ntawm kev sib tsoo thaum muaj kev puas tsuaj ntawm tav, tab sis nws tuaj yeem hu rau kev pab. Thaum kawg lawv tau txais kev cawmdim los ntawm Gillsburg Volunteer Fire Department.

Xyoo 1982, Pyle tau tsim Artimus Pyle Band lossis APB uas suav nrog Steve Lockhart thiab John Boerstler. Lawv yuav tso peb albums thaum lawv khiav, suav nrog "APB", "Nightcaller", thiab "Live from Planet Earth". Nws kuj tau koom nrog hauv Skynyrd Tribute ncig saib, thiab yuav koom nrog pawg hloov kho kom kaw "Lynyrd Skynyrd 1991" ua ntej tawm mus dua. Raws li kev xam phaj, nws tau tawm ntawm lub sijhawm ntawd vim nws tsis xav ua ib feem ntawm kev siv yeeb tshuaj thiab cawv. Tom qab ntawd nws yuav mus ncig nrog pab pawg Cov Txiv Neej hauv 90s, feem ntau ua si hauv Florida. Nws cov nuj nqis tsis tu ncua.

Xyoo 1997, Artimus tau tshwm sim hauv "The Howard Stern Show" los tham txog cov pab pawg thiab cov xwm txheej ntawm lub dav hlau poob. Nws qhov project tom ntej yuav yog xyoo 2004, thaum nws kaw plaub lub suab nkauj nrog Rambler; nws kuj tau mus ncig nrog cov pab pawg Deep South. Nws tau ua si solo thiab nrog ntau yam yeeb yam, qee zaum suav nrog cov tswv cuab qub ntawm Lynyrd Skynyrd. Nws kuj tau rov tsim cov pab pawg Artimus Pyle, uas tso tawm "Artimus Venomous" hauv 2007. Peb xyoos tom qab ntawd, nws tau ua yeeb yam hauv New York's Roseland Ballroom, ua yeeb yam "Tus Txiv Neej Yooj Yim" nrog rau Gov't Mule. Hauv 2012, nws tau raug xam phaj ntawm "Nick & Artie Show" thiab nco qab cov xwm txheej ntawm lub dav hlau poob. Ib qho ntawm nws cov haujlwm tshiab tshaj plaws yog ua tus qhua ua yeeb yam ntawm Eli Cook album "Primitive Son".

Rau nws tus kheej lub neej, tsis muaj cov ntaub ntawv pej xeem ntawm Artimus tau sib yuav lossis muaj menyuam, txawm li cas los xij, nws paub tias Pyle raug ntes xyoo 1993 rau kev ua phem phem thiab sim peev roj teeb ntawm ob tug poj niam menyuam. Nws tau thov tsis muaj kev sib tw thiab tau sau npe ua tus neeg ua txhaum kev sib deev, txawm hais tias nws tsis lees paub qhov kev iab liam, kom cov menyuam yaus tsis mus sim. Nws raug ntes nyob rau xyoo 2007, vim nws tsis sau npe ua ib tug neeg ua txhaum cai deev luag poj luag txiv hauv St. Johns County, ib rooj plaub uas nws raug txiav txim ob xyoos tom qab ntawd.

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