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Jesse Eisenberg Net Tsim Nyog: Wiki, Sib Yuav, Tsev Neeg, Kab tshoob, Nyiaj hli, Cov kwv tij
Jesse Eisenberg Net Tsim Nyog: Wiki, Sib Yuav, Tsev Neeg, Kab tshoob, Nyiaj hli, Cov kwv tij

Video: Jesse Eisenberg Net Tsim Nyog: Wiki, Sib Yuav, Tsev Neeg, Kab tshoob, Nyiaj hli, Cov kwv tij

Video: Jesse Eisenberg Net Tsim Nyog: Wiki, Sib Yuav, Tsev Neeg, Kab tshoob, Nyiaj hli, Cov kwv tij
Video: Jesse Eisenberg y Emma Stone .mp4 2024, Cuaj hlis

Jesse Eisenberg net muaj nqis yog $10 lab

Jesse Eisenberg thaum yau dab neeg ntxiv Untold Biography Tseeb: Tsev Neeg lub neej

Jesse Adam Eisenberg, zoo dua lub npe hu ua Jesse Eisenberg, yog ib qho ntawm ntau lab tus neeg hauv kev lag luam lom ze. Tam sim no, nws tau kwv yees tias tus nqi ntawm Jesse Eisenberg tau mus txog 10 lab daus las. Feem ntau ntawm Jesse cov nuj nqis tau khwv tau los ntawm nws txoj haujlwm ua yeeb yam. Lub ncov ntawm nws txoj hauj lwm yog lub luag hauj lwm ntawm Mark Zuckerberg nyob rau hauv zaj duab xis 'Lub Social Network' (2010) tom qab uas nws tau txais ib tug xov tooj ntawm nominations nrog rau Academy Award, Golden Globe Award thiab yeej ntau yam khoom plig. Eisenberg tau ntxiv rau nws cov nuj nqis raws li tus kws sau nkauj ib yam nkaus. Jesse Adam Eisenberg yug thaum Lub Kaum Hli 5, 1983 hauv Astoria, New York, Tebchaws Meskas. Barry Eisenberg, nws txiv, yog ib tug xibfwb hauv tsev kawm ntawv qib siab, thaum nws niam, Amy Fishman, yog ib tug neeg ua yeeb yam.

Jesse Eisenberg tau ua haujlwm txij li xyoo 1999. Jesse pib nws txoj haujlwm thiab ua kom nws cov nuj nqis ntau ntxiv hauv TV series 'Get Real' tsim los ntawm Clyde Philips qhov chaw nws ua lub luag haujlwm ntawm Kenny Green rau ib lub caij. Qhov kev tshwm sim tau ua tiav zoo heev vim tias Eisenberg tau raug xaiv tsa los ntawm Young Artist Award rau qhov ua tau zoo tshaj plaws hauv TV Series uas tau cog lus rau tus neeg ua yeeb yam ua haujlwm tau zoo.

Jesse Eisenberg Net Tsim Nyog $10 lab

Lwm cov hauj lwm hauv TV uas tseem tau nce Jesse Eisenberg cov txiaj ntsig tau raws li hauv qab no: lub luag haujlwm hauv TV zaj duab xis 'Lightning: Fire from the Sky' (2001), tshwm sim hauv ib ntu ntawm TV series 'Modern Family', hais txog ntu ntawm kev nom kev tswv. ua yeeb yam 'The Newsroom' thiab hosting ib ntu ntawm 'Saturday Night Live' qhia.

Nyob rau hauv 2002, Eisenberg debuted ntawm lub loj screen co-starring Campbell Scott nyob rau hauv lub comedy ua yeeb yam zaj duab xis "Roger Dodger" sau, co-tsim thiab coj los ntawm Dylan Kidd. Qhov kev nthuav tawm no kuj tau ua tiav zoo heev vim Jesse yeej San Diego Jewish Film Festival Award rau Tus Ua Yeeb Yam Tshiab Zoo Tshaj Plaws. Nws txuas ntxiv nws txoj haujlwm nrog ntau qhov kev xaiv tsa thiab Gotham Award rau Qhov Zoo Tshaj Plaws Zoo Tshaj Plaws rau nws lub luag haujlwm ntawm Walt Berkman hauv zaj duab xis sau thiab qhia los ntawm Noah Baumbach 'The Squid and the Whale' (2005). Eisenberg tus nqi tsim nyog tau nce tom qab yeej qhov khoom plig Rising Star ntawm Vail Film Festival rau lub luag haujlwm tseem ceeb hauv zaj duab xis comedy 'The Living Lake' (2007) qhia los ntawm Sol Tryon. Xyoo 2009, nws lub luag haujlwm hauv cov yeeb yaj kiab 'Adventureland' sau thiab qhia los ntawm Greg Mottola thiab 'Zombieland' qhia los ntawm Ruben Fleischer tau txais ntau qhov kev xaiv tsa thiab Scream Award rau Qhov Zoo Tshaj Plaws.

Xyoo 2010, Jesse Eisenberg tau ntxiv ntau rau nws cov nuj nqis tom qab ua yeeb yam hauv zaj yeeb yaj kiab 'The Social Network' qhia los ntawm David Flincher. Jesse tau txais ntau tshaj peb caug-tsib qhov kev xaiv tsa sib txawv thiab yeej cuaj khoom plig ua Tus Ua Yeeb Yam Zoo Tshaj Plaws. Tom qab ntawd, nws tau koom nrog hauv cov yeeb yaj kiab hauv qab no: '30 Minutes lossis Less' (2011) qhia los ntawm Ruben Fleischer, 'Vim li cas Nres Tam Sim No' (2012) sau thiab qhia los ntawm Phil Dorling thiab Ron Nyswaner, 'Free Samples' (2012) qhia. los ntawm Jay Gammill, 'Rau Rome nrog Kev Hlub' (2012) sau thiab qhia los ntawm Woody Allen, 'Nws yog Txoj Kev Tshaj Lij Tshaj Lij' (2013) qhia los ntawm Michael Urie, 'Tam sim no Koj Pom Kuv' (2013) qhia los ntawm Louis Leterrier, 'Hmo Moves' (2013) qhia los ntawm Kelly Reichardt thiab lwm yam yeeb yaj kiab. Tam sim no, nws tab tom koom nrog cov yeeb yaj kiab tom ntej 'American Ultra' (2015), 'Batman v Superman: Kaj ntug ntawm Kev Ncaj Ncees' (2016) thiab 'Tam sim no Koj Tsis Yog' (2018).

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