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Christopher Lee Net Tsim Nyog: Wiki, Sib Yuav, Tsev Neeg, Kab tshoob, Nyiaj hli, kwv tij
Christopher Lee Net Tsim Nyog: Wiki, Sib Yuav, Tsev Neeg, Kab tshoob, Nyiaj hli, kwv tij

Video: Christopher Lee Net Tsim Nyog: Wiki, Sib Yuav, Tsev Neeg, Kab tshoob, Nyiaj hli, kwv tij

Video: Christopher Lee Net Tsim Nyog: Wiki, Sib Yuav, Tsev Neeg, Kab tshoob, Nyiaj hli, kwv tij
Video: The Hobbit BTS Sir Christopher Lee returns (RIP A LEGEND) 2024, Plaub Hlis Ntuj

Christopher Lee Jones tus nqi yog $ 25 lab

Christopher Lee Jones thaum yau dab neeg ntxiv Untold Biography Tseeb

(Sir) Christopher Frank Carandini Lee yug rau 27th Tsib Hlis 1922 hauv Belgravia, London, England, thiab tuag rau 7th Lub Rau Hli 2015 hauv Chelsea, London. Nws tau paub zoo tias yog ib tus neeg ua yeeb yam, uas tau ua yeeb yam hauv ntau cov yeeb yaj kiab thiab TV series, suav nrog nws lub luag haujlwm ua Saruman hauv "Tus Tswv Ntawm Lub Rings" trilogy, thiab ua si suav Dooku hauv "Star Wars" trilogy, nrog rau suav. Dracula ntawm ntau lwm tus. Nws txoj haujlwm tau ua haujlwm los ntawm 1946 txog 2015.

Koj puas tau xav paub ntau npaum li cas Christopher Lee? Raws li cov peev txheej, nws tau kwv yees tias Lee cov nuj nqis yog $ 25 lab thaum nws tuag. Cov nyiaj no tau sau tsis tau tsuas yog los ntawm nws txoj haujlwm ua yeeb yam, tab sis kuj yog nws txoj haujlwm ua suab paj nruag.


Christopher Lee Net Tsim Nyog $25 lab


Christopher Lee yug los rau Lieutenant Colonel Geoffrey Trollope Lee thiab Countess Estelle Marie. Raws li nws niam nws txiv sib nrauj thaum nws muaj rau xyoo, nws tsiv nrog nws niam mus rau Switzerland, qhov chaw nws tau txais nws thawj lub luag hauj lwm ntawm Miss Fisher's Academy. Tom qab ntawd lawv rov qab mus rau London, qhov chaw nws txuas ntxiv kawm ntawm Wagner lub tsev kawm ntawv ntiav hauv Poj huab tais lub rooj vag. Tom qab ntawd nws tau mus kawm Summer Fields School, tom qab ntawd nws kawm hauv Wellington College, tab sis tsis kawm tiav thaum nws pib ua haujlwm ua tus neeg ua haujlwm hauv London cov tuam txhab. Txawm li cas los xij, tsis ntev tom qab xyoo 1939 nws tau kos npe rau hauv Royal Air Force thaum lub sij hawm WWII nyob rau hauv uas, yog kho mob tsis haum rau ya, nws siv raws li ib tug txawj ntse tub ceev xwm nyob rau hauv teb chaws Africa thiab Europe.

Christopher txoj haujlwm ua yeeb yam pib thaum nws rov qab los rau London xyoo 1946 los ntawm kev ua tub rog, ua haujlwm hauv TV series "Kaleidoscope" (1946-1947), thiab ua ntej xyoo 1950, nws lub npe tau lees paub hauv kev lag luam yeeb yaj kiab, tshwm hauv cov yeeb yaj kiab. xws li "Ib Zaj Nkauj Rau Tag kis" (1948), "Scott of the Antarctic" (1948), thiab "Gay Lady" (1949), tag nrho cov no tau nce nws cov nuj nqis.

Thaum lub sijhawm xyoo 1950, nws txoj haujlwm tau nce mus txog theem tshiab, uas tsuas yog nce ntxiv nws cov nuj nqis, thiab muaj koob meej. Nws tshwm sim hauv cov khoom xws li "Valley of the Eagles" (1951), "Storm Over the Nile" (1955), thiab "The Curse of Frankenstein" (1957). Tsis tas li ntawd, xyoo 1958, nws txoj hauj lwm tau hloov pauv ntau dua rau qhov zoo dua, thaum nws raug xaiv los ua lub luag haujlwm ntawm suav Dracula hauv zaj yeeb yaj kiab "Ntshai heev ntawm Dracula", uas nws lub luag haujlwm tau tshaj tawm hauv yim zaj yeeb yaj kiab ntau dua 18 xyoo. Qhov kev ua yeeb yam no ntawm cov vampire nto moo tshaj plaws tau nce Christopher cov txiaj ntsig los ntawm qib loj. Txhawm rau hais ntxiv txog nws lub luag haujlwm hauv xyoo 1950, nws tau ua yeeb yaj kiab xws li "The Mummy" (1959) thiab hauv "The Hound of the Baskervilles" (1959).

Thaum lub sijhawm xyoo 1960, nws tau pib tshwm sim hauv lub luag haujlwm tseem ceeb, suav nrog Sherlock Holmes hauv "Sherlock Holmes thiab Tuag Necklace" (1962), tom qab ntawd Fu Manchu hauv zaj duab xis "Lub ntsej muag ntawm Fu Manchu" (1965) - uas nws rov ua dua. peb zaug - raws li Grigori Rasputin hauv "Rasputin, Mad Monk", thiab "Dab Ntxwg Nyoog Caij Tawm" (1968) raws li Duc De Richleau, tag nrho cov no tau nce nws cov nuj nqis.

Nyob rau xyoo 1970, nws tau txuas ntxiv mus rau txoj kev vam meej tom qab kev vam meej, piav txog cov cim xws li Scaramanga hauv James Bond zaj duab xis "Tus txiv neej nrog rab phom Golden" (1974), Tswv Summerisle hauv zaj duab xis "Tus Txiv Neej Wicker" (1973), thiab Raws li Rochefort hauv cov yeeb yaj kiab "Lub Peb Musketeers" (1973), thiab "Four Musketeers: Milady's Revenge" (1974), thiab lwm yam uas tau ntxiv rau nws cov nuj nqis.

Nyob rau xyoo 1980, Christopher tus nqi tsim nyog stagnated me ntsis, vim nws tsis tuaj yeem tsaws ntau lub luag haujlwm, txij li nws tau tsiv mus rau Asmeskas thiab nrhiav lub sijhawm hauv Hollywood. Thaum pib nws tsuas tuaj yeem tsaws qhov chaw hauv cov yeeb yaj kiab xws li "Kev Rov Qab Los ntawm Tus Thawj Tub Ceev Xwm" (1983), "Lub Tsev ntawm Cov Duab Ntxoo ntev" (1983), thiab hauv TV series "Shaka Zulu" (1986-1987).

Thaum lub sijhawm xyoo 1990, nws lub koob meej pib rov qab los tsis tu ncua, raws li thaum nws tshwm sim hauv cov yeeb yaj kiab thiab TV series xws li "Sherlock Holmes thiab Leading Lady" (1991), "Jinnah" (1998), thiab "Sleepy Hollow" (1999), nce ntxiv. ntxiv nws cov nuj nqis. Nyob rau hauv 2001, Christopher raug xaiv rau lub luag hauj lwm ntawm Saruman, ib tug phem wizard, nyob rau hauv cov zaj duab xis "Tus Tswv Ntawm Lub Rings: Kev Sib Raug Zoo Ntawm Lub Nplhaib", lub luag hauj lwm nws reprived nyob rau hauv plaub ntau films ntawm lub series mus txog rau 2014.

Thaum lub sijhawm xyoo 2000, nws kuj tau piav txog suav Dooku hauv Star Wars franchise hauv cov yeeb yaj kiab "Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones" (2002), thiab "Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith" (2005). Txhawm rau hais ntxiv txog nws qhov kev ua tiav, nws tau ua yeeb yaj kiab "Lub Caij Ntawm Witch" (2011), "Tus Ntxhais los ntawm Nagasaki" (2013), thiab nws qhov kawg tshwm sim yog tus Thawj Coj, Thawj Tswj Hwm hauv cov yeeb yaj kiab "Angels In Nothing. Hill” (2015).

Thaum lub sijhawm nws ua yeeb yam tshaj li 70 xyoo, Christopher Lee tau koom nrog hauv tag nrho ntawm 207 zaj yeeb yaj kiab, thiab 65 TV tshaj tawm, qhov qhia tseeb ntawm nws cov txuj ci, thiab tsim nyog rau cov thawj coj. Nws cov khoom plig thiab kev xaiv tsa tau dav dav, tab sis nws zoo siab tshaj plaws ntawm nws txoj kev ua tub rog, muab rau nws los ntawm poj huab tais Elizabeth 11 hauv xyoo 2009, rau nws txoj kev koom tes rau kev ua yeeb yaj kiab thiab TV.

Christopher Lee tseem paub tias yog tus kws ntaus nkauj, tso plaub lub suab nkauj xws li "Tshwm Sim" (2006), "Charlemagne: Los Ntawm Ntaj thiab Ntoo Khaub Lig" (2010), thiab "Charlemagne: Lub Omens of Death (2013), uas yog. nws qhov kawg studio tso tawm. Hais txog nws tus kheej lub neej, Christopher Lee tau sib yuav rau Birgit "Gitte" Kroncke Lee los ntawm 1961 mus txog rau thaum nws tuag, thiab nws muaj ib tug ntxhais. Lee tuag thaum muaj hnub nyoog 93.

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