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Watchdog Sophie Raworth's Net Tsim Nyog, Nyiaj Ua Haujlwm, Nyiaj hli hauv BBC, Marathon
Watchdog Sophie Raworth's Net Tsim Nyog, Nyiaj Ua Haujlwm, Nyiaj hli hauv BBC, Marathon

Video: Watchdog Sophie Raworth's Net Tsim Nyog, Nyiaj Ua Haujlwm, Nyiaj hli hauv BBC, Marathon

Video: Watchdog Sophie Raworth's Net Tsim Nyog, Nyiaj Ua Haujlwm, Nyiaj hli hauv BBC, Marathon
Video: 101-year-old Fauja Singh Runs the London Marathon - Horizon: Eat, Fast and Live Longer - BBC Two 2024, Plaub Hlis Ntuj

Sophie Raworth muaj nuj nqis yog $ 7 lab

Sophie Raworth thaum yau dab neeg ntxiv Untold Biography Tseeb

Sophie Jane Raworth yug rau 15 Tsib Hlis 1968, hauv Surrey, England, thiab yog tus neeg sau xov xwm thiab tshaj tawm, paub zoo tshaj plaws rau kev tshwm sim hauv ntau yam xov xwm BBC xws li "BBC News at One", "BBC News at Six", thiab "BBC Xov xwm ntawm Kaum". Nws tau ua haujlwm hauv kev lag luam txij li xyoo 1992, thiab tag nrho nws cov kev siv zog tau pab muab nws cov txiaj ntsig zoo rau qhov chaw niaj hnub no.

Sophie Raworth nplua nuj npaum li cas? Raws li thaum ntxov-2018, cov peev txheej qhia peb txog cov nuj nqis uas yog $ 7 lab, feem ntau tau txais los ntawm kev ua haujlwm tau zoo hauv kev tshaj tawm xov xwm. Nws kuj tau nthuav tawm lwm cov yeeb yam rau BBC, thiab thaum nws txuas ntxiv nws txoj haujlwm, nws xav tias nws cov nyiaj txiag tseem yuav nce ntxiv.

Sophie Raworth Net Tsim Nyog $7 lab

Sophie tau mus kawm Putney High, thiab tom qab kawm tiav yuav mus kawm University of Manchester. Nws kawm Fabkis thiab German, ua ntej qhia lus Askiv rau ib xyoos tom qab kawm tiav. Tom qab ntawd nws tau kawm tiav qib siab hauv kev tshaj tawm xov xwm thiab kev sau xov xwm ntawm City University, London.

Raworth pib nws txoj haujlwm tshaj tawm hauv xyoo 1992, thawj zaug nrog Greater Manchester Radio ua tus tshaj xov xwm. Ob xyoos tom qab, nws tau los ua BBC Regions tus neeg sau xov xwm hauv Brussels, thiab tom qab ntawd xyoo 1995 nws tau pom lub luag haujlwm tsis tu ncua ua tus tshaj tawm sib koom ua ke hauv txoj haujlwm "Saib North". Raws li nws muaj ntau lub sijhawm, nws cov txiaj ntsig tau pib loj hlob, thiab nws tau tsiv mus rau lub tebchaws TV hauv xyoo 1997 los ua tus tshaj tawm ntawm "Breakfast News". Thaum lub sij hawm tshaj tawm ntawm cov yeeb yam "Fabfast", peb xyoos tom qab ntawd, nws tau los ua tus tshaj tawm, thiab ua haujlwm nrog lwm lub npe hauv BBC xws li Jeremy Bowen. Tom qab ntawd nws tau tsiv mus rau "BBC Six O'Clock News" hauv 2003 ua haujlwm nrog George Alagiah, tseem nyob hauv lub luag haujlwm rau ob xyoos ua ntej mus so maternity.

Xyoo 2006, Raworth tau rov qab los ua tus tshaj tawm ntawm "BBC News ntawm Ib", thiab tseem yuav ua haujlwm rau ntau qhov tshwj xeeb, uas suav nrog "Peb Cov Vajntxwv - Lub 50 Xyoo Tom Ntej", thiab "Tag kis Lub Ntiaj Teb". Sophie nyob nrog "BBC Xov Xwm ntawm Ib" txog xyoo 2008 thiab yuav mus rau lwm qhov kev so niam txiv, tau nce nws cov nuj nqis ntxiv.

Tom qab nws rov qab los, nws tau tshaj tawm "BBC Xov Xwm ntawm Rau", "BBC News a Kaum", thiab "BBC News ntawm Ib". Xyoo tom ntej, nws tau tshwm sim los ua ib feem ntawm "The Andrew Marr Show", thiab kuj tau nthuav tawm hauv "BBC News Channel". Tom qab ntawd nws tau ua haujlwm ntawm "Crimewatch Roadshow" ua ntej ua yeeb yam hauv zaj yeeb yaj kiab "Ib Hnub Zoo rau Tuag Hard". Hauv 2015, nws tau tsaws lub luag haujlwm ua tus tshaj tawm tsis tu ncua ntawm "Watchdog", hloov Anne Robinson, thiab tseem yuav dhau los ua lub luag haujlwm tseem ceeb ntawm "Crimewatch". Tag nrho cov cib fim no ua rau nws muaj nuj nqis ntxiv ntxiv.

Rau nws tus kheej lub neej, nws paub tias Raworth sib yuav tus neeg saib xyuas vaj tse Richard Winter hauv 2003 thiab lawv muaj peb tus menyuam ua ke. Nws nyob hauv London, nrog nws tsev neeg. Nws kuj tau nthuav tawm hauv qhov program "Koj Xav Tias Koj Yog Leej Twg?" uas qhia tias nws tau nqis los ntawm cov poj koob yawm txwv uas tau tsim ib lub zej zog kev ntseeg zoo, tab sis tsis ntev tau txiav txim siab tawm mus. Nws kuj muaj cov xeeb leej xeeb ntxwv uas ua liaj ua teb nplua nuj txiv hmab txiv ntoo thaum xyoo pua 18th. Raworth yog tus khiav, thiab rau hnub no tau ua tiav plaub marathons.

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